
AADK Introduction to Humanitarian Approaches

Welcome! The purpose of the program is to mainstream core knowledge on humanitarian tools and approaches across AADK. It is set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis, which highlighted the need to navigate across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus - integrating humanitarian approaches and AADK’s well-proven development methods. Moreover, the program is strategically aligned with AADK’s areas of interest in shrinking political space, climate justice and fragility - key areas in our SPAII programming. This course will ensure that we are all able to • Apply the Core Humanitarian Standard and AA Humanitarian Signature in programming • Identify humanitarian tools and align development and humanitarian programming (nexus) • Support colleagues across the globe to adapt programs to crises The course is structured in 3 Sections: SECTION ONE: The Nine Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard Course sourced from KAYA Connect: Understand and apply the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), and improve the quality, accountability, and effectiveness of humanitarian responses and - in fact - all programming. Being certified or verified against the CHS is a prerequisite for a strategic partnership agreement with Danida, and AADK is indeed independently verified. Appr. 1-2 hours. SECTION TWO: HRBA in Emergencies A human rights-based approach guides everything we do - also in fragile contexts and in humanitarian responses. Learn how. Appr. 20 minutes. SECTION THREE: AA Humanitarian Signature ActionAid's Humanitarian Signature guides all humanitarian responses in fragile and crisis contexts. Rather than specify WHAT we do in emergencies, it defines HOW we work. Learn more here. Appr. 20 minutes. A small quiz will appear in the end of this course (coming soon). LENGTH OF COURSE Estimated 3 hours self-paced learning

Type of Course: Self Paced

  • KAYA course Core Humanitarian Standard
  • Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in Emergencies
  • ActionAid International's Humanitarian Signature
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever