Climate Justice

Hello Learners, Welcome to this self paced course on climate justice. The purpose of the course is to help you to GAIN A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE EXISTING INEQUALITIES AROUND THE WORLD THAT FUEL THE CLIMATE CRISIS. Enhance your skills to identify vulnerable groups and inequalities that exist in our communities to better design interventions to address climate change. This course looks at activism as a strategy to build collective action to advance climate justice, disrupt oppressive systems, and recreate just, equal, and sustainable societies for people and the planet. Additionally, the course will strengthen your communication skills so you can better communicate climate justice at local, national, and global levels. This course comprises of the following (3) modules
1.Introduction to climate justice
2.Why climate justice matter- The gendered impacts of climate action
3.Climate Finance
4.Pillars of climate justice
The modules includes information screens and activities to complete. The activities will help you to learn how to apply climate justice knowledge in different scenarios, and are a way for you to check your own understanding.

Your online facilitators are here to support your learning throughout this week. Please don't hesitate to contact us of you have questions or concerns.

Enjoy the Course!

Type of Course: Self Paced Start date: 2023/11/23

  • Pre-Course Survey
  • Pre- Course Survey
  • Introduction
  • Course Introduction
  • Module 1- Introduction to Climate Justice
  • Introduction to Climate Justice
  • Module 2- Why Climate Justice Matter- The Gendered Impacts of the Climate Crisis
  • The Gendered Impacts of the Climate Crisis
  • Module 3- Climate Finance
  • Climate Finance
  • Pillars of Climate Justice
  • Discussion One
  • Discussion Two
  • Discussion Three
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever